news Residencies

Chop Wood Carry Water

Chop Wood Carry Water Lo-Fi residency in NW Illinois’ Driftless Region is for thinkers and makers, people who need time away (but not too far) on quiet yet abundantly living land, to think, make, write, build, muse and experiment for a modest cost. 

Applications Due for 2023 Season on April 16

This low residency allows for physical distancing as well as the space for people to choose interaction when desired, allowing focus on your practice and process.

This is not an art residency. We do not expect you to be an artist. We are interested in a larger definition of what it means to think, make, build and collaborate with land, other humans and living beings. We believe edges and categories of what it means to be creative and how we live in this world are meant to be explored and that this is essential for a new coming together within ourselves and between ourselves.

Conversation, moving, studying, walking, biking, kayaking, writing, reading, furniture making, weaving, print making, performing, filming, painting, building, on-site installation, sculpture, ceramics, animation, soil work, dancing, experimentation with and processing of land-based materials have figured largely with past residents.

All genders, sexual orientations, religious beliefs, races, and ethnicities are welcome as Chop Wood Carry Water residents. Applications are to assess if Chop Wood Carry Water lo-fi land-based residency is a good fit for you. There is no jurying of your past work.

For more information, email